Thursday, March 18, 2010

5 Types of Chemical Reactions (Hovercat Edition)

Through this lab we are trying to identify the five chemical reaction types associated with our supplied compounds and solutions.
The 5 reaction types that were observed in this experiment are:

Combustion-A violently exothermic reaction with oxygen to form oxides. Always results in CO2 and H2O in a complete combustion
reaction. Incomplete combustion reaction may result in CO (Carbon Monoxide).

Single Displacement-
A chemical reaction in which one element replaces another element in a compound that is in solution.

Synthesis-A chemical reaction in which atoms or simple molecules combine to form a compound that is more complex.

Double Displacement-A chemical reaction in whic
h ions from two compounds interact in solution to form a product.

Decomposition-A chemical reaction in which a single compound is broken down to produce two more simpler substances.

We hypothesize, that after we
mix each solution, we will observe each of the four chemical reactions excluding a synthesis reaction.

  • Zinc
  • CuSO4 (Copper (II) Sulfate)
  • Ba(NO3)2 (Barium Nitrate)
  • Magnesium Ribbon
  • H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)
  • C3H8 (Propane)
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Test Tubes
  • Test Tube Rack
Due to the fact that we are working with toxic chemicals, you should always use the utmost caution at all time. Always wear your apron and goggles and keep all chemicals under the fume hood.

  1. Obtain 3 small test tubes.
  2. In the first test tube, place a piece of zinc and about 1/2 mL of CuSO4 solution. Record observations.
  3. In the second test tube add about 1/2 mL Ba(NO3)2 solution to about 1/2 mL of CuSO4 solution. Record observations.
  4. In the third test tube place a piece of magnesium ribbon. Add about 1/2 mL of HCL solution. Record observations.
  5. Light a bunsen burner (burning propane gas, C3H8). Record observations of the flame.
  6. Rinse out the first test tube. Add about 2 mL H2O2 solution. Lightly heat it. Record observations.
  7. Add a pinch of MnO2 (catalyst to the H2O2 solution. Lightly heat it. Record observations.
Results (Data):

  1. SD: Zn+CuSO4--Cu+ZnSO4
  2. DD: Ba(NO3)2+CuSO4--BaSO4+Cu(NO3)2
  3. SD: Mg+2HCl--H2+MgCl2
  4. Comb.: C3H8+5O2--3CO2+4H2O
  5. Decomp.: 2H2O2--2H2O+O2

We have come to the conclusion that all of the five chemical reactions were present after mixing the solutions.


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