Thursday, May 20, 2010

Single Displacement, Oxidation Reduction Reaction Lab

Statement of the Problem:
How many grams of copper will be produced from an oxidation reduction reaction when you know the mass of Aluminum that reacted with a known amount of copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate? And how will this compare to the actual yield of copper?
We knew from the beginning of the lab that a single displacement reaction would occur between the copper and aluminum ions in the solution. The true purpose of this lab was to observe a chemical reaction in which a percent yield equation could actually be used.


We hypothesis that a single displacement reaction will occur in the copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate and aluminum solution between the copper in CuSO4-5H2O and the aluminum powder.

  • 100 mL Beaker
  • Asbestos Pad
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Glass Stirring-Rod
  • 15 g Copper(II) Sulfate Pentahydrate
  • 0.8 g Aluminum Powder
  • Filter paper
  • Water (H2O)
  • Safety Goggles
  • Chemical Aprons
  • Iron Ring
Safety Concern:
Since we are working with harmful chemicals during this lab, you are required to wear protective eye glasses and a chemical apron at all times. But the safety is not limited to protective clothing. We will be working with an open flame and should be aware of our surroundings so we do not harm ourselves our others.

We began by filling our 100 mL beaker with 80 mL of water and positioned it on the iron ring above our bunsen burner and ignited the flame. We then measured out 15 g of Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate and slowly added it to the heating water. After adding the Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate, you must wait for it to fully dissolve. When it became a homozygous mixture, we measured out 0.8 g of Aluminum powder and mixed it in the solution. It was only a matter of minutes for the reaction to take place, the aluminum replaced the copper and free floating copper was left in the beaker. After the reaction took place, we poured the solution through a filter paper into an erlanmyer flask, separating the copper from the rest of the solution. Once the copper was separate, we weighed our product and then calculated the percent yield for our reaction.

Single displacement reaction occurred in the copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate and aluminum solution between the copper and aluminum powder.

Our conclusion resulted in the single displacement reaction that occurred in the solution.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

5 Types of Chemical Reactions (Hovercat Edition)

Through this lab we are trying to identify the five chemical reaction types associated with our supplied compounds and solutions.
The 5 reaction types that were observed in this experiment are:

Combustion-A violently exothermic reaction with oxygen to form oxides. Always results in CO2 and H2O in a complete combustion
reaction. Incomplete combustion reaction may result in CO (Carbon Monoxide).

Single Displacement-
A chemical reaction in which one element replaces another element in a compound that is in solution.

Synthesis-A chemical reaction in which atoms or simple molecules combine to form a compound that is more complex.

Double Displacement-A chemical reaction in whic
h ions from two compounds interact in solution to form a product.

Decomposition-A chemical reaction in which a single compound is broken down to produce two more simpler substances.

We hypothesize, that after we
mix each solution, we will observe each of the four chemical reactions excluding a synthesis reaction.

  • Zinc
  • CuSO4 (Copper (II) Sulfate)
  • Ba(NO3)2 (Barium Nitrate)
  • Magnesium Ribbon
  • H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)
  • C3H8 (Propane)
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Test Tubes
  • Test Tube Rack
Due to the fact that we are working with toxic chemicals, you should always use the utmost caution at all time. Always wear your apron and goggles and keep all chemicals under the fume hood.

  1. Obtain 3 small test tubes.
  2. In the first test tube, place a piece of zinc and about 1/2 mL of CuSO4 solution. Record observations.
  3. In the second test tube add about 1/2 mL Ba(NO3)2 solution to about 1/2 mL of CuSO4 solution. Record observations.
  4. In the third test tube place a piece of magnesium ribbon. Add about 1/2 mL of HCL solution. Record observations.
  5. Light a bunsen burner (burning propane gas, C3H8). Record observations of the flame.
  6. Rinse out the first test tube. Add about 2 mL H2O2 solution. Lightly heat it. Record observations.
  7. Add a pinch of MnO2 (catalyst to the H2O2 solution. Lightly heat it. Record observations.
Results (Data):

  1. SD: Zn+CuSO4--Cu+ZnSO4
  2. DD: Ba(NO3)2+CuSO4--BaSO4+Cu(NO3)2
  3. SD: Mg+2HCl--H2+MgCl2
  4. Comb.: C3H8+5O2--3CO2+4H2O
  5. Decomp.: 2H2O2--2H2O+O2

We have come to the conclusion that all of the five chemical reactions were present after mixing the solutions.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Polarity and Molecular Shape

By doing this blog, we are attempting to figure out the most probable structure for each given molecule. Prior to this lab, we had been taught about Lewis Structures and how to figure out each one for any given molecule. Since the ball/stick model of a molecule is basically the same as the Lewis Structure, it was quite easy to figure out the most probable shape of each molecular formula.


I hypothesize that the ball/stick model of a given molecule will resemble, if not replicate, the Lewis Structure of that same molecule.


Ball & Stick model kit including:
  • 20 Rigid Green tubes-Covalent bonds
  • 6 Flexible White Tubing
  • Various Colored Balls
    • 4 red two prong-Oxygen
    • 12 white one prong-Hydrogen
    • 6 green one prong-Halogens
    • 6 black 4 prong-Carbon atoms (can also be nitrogen or silicon)
    • 1 pink 5 prong-Iodine/Selenium
    • 1 gray 6 prong-Sulfur
    • 1 blue 3 prong-Boron
Safety Procedure?:
Although we are not working with hazardous materials in this lab, you must still be aware of the balls and sticks so this lab does not result in the injuring of your eye or other such sensitive areas.

In this experiment, we created a Lewis Structure for each of the molecular formulas provided to us by our instructor prior to beginning the lab. For each Lewis Structure that we made, we had to construct a ball and stick model representing the 3-D structure of the given molecules. Also, according to the repelling groups and the unbonded pairs, we had to decide what the actual molecular shape was. Following this, we had to decipher the bonding angle and whether or not the molecule was polar.

As you can see in the adjacent images, the Lewis Structure of H2O (right) is represented by the ball and stick model (left). For the remaining molecules we did basically the same thing, for each we found the Lewis Structure and built its ball and stick model.


According to our results, we accept our hypothesis. Each Lewis Structure drawn had a corresponding ball and stick model that presented the 3-D view of the molecule.
From this lab we have learned the different structures and angles that each molecule result in from the different bonded elements. This could be used in real life by knowing the potential stability of different molecules to further our knowledge and perhaps lead to a future discovery.
Errors that we have come across is that we weren't absolutely sure about the polarity of each molecule.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Polarity of Solvents Acting on Different Pigments of Ink

Which substance has the most polarity?

  • The more electronegativity an element has, the more polar the element is.
  • In non-polar bonds, the electronegativity ranges from 0 to 0.5.

  • Once reached 0.5, the bonds turn to polar until it reaches 2.1 in which it then turns to an ionic bond.

To begin our experiment, we hypothesize that H2O will draw the ink further up the chromatographic strip than any of the other three solvents. H2O is expected to be the answer to our question; which substance has the most polarity?




Remaining Materials:

1 24-Clear Well plate
8 Strips of Chromatography Paper
1 Black Dry Erase Marker
4 Various Colored Dry Erase Markers (R
ed, Green, Orange, and Blue)

Safety Procedure:

When working with the solutions included in this lab, be aware of your surroundings and always wear your safety equipment (goggles and aprons). It is essential that you properly use and handle the given solvents as they are all (besides H20) skin and/or lung irritants and should be kept under the fume hood and away from your face as often as possible.


In this lab we measured the ability of a solvent to separate ink based upon the solvent's overall polarity. First, we prepared a water well with four different solvents (Methanol, Water, Hexane, and Isopropal) each well containing a few drops of each solvent. Then, we began by cutting 8 strips of chromatography paper and then ma
rking then folding them about a third of the way down and also penciling a line alone the crease. Next, we dotted a line following the pencil line and then placed the paper in the dish of the certain solvent. We then waited as we watched the ink spread on the paper, water being the most polar showed the ink spread the furthest up the chromatography paper.
The second part of the lab we chose one substance to put four different colors to compare which color would go the furthest up the paper. In our case we chose water to determine what ink went up t he furthest.


In the lab, H2O (water) was the most polar substance therefore brought the ink up the chromatography paper the furthest. The other substances did not move up as fast or separate as well as the black ink did with water. We noticed that when we used other solvents, it took longer to travel up the paper. Water was the leap contender because it is a polar molecule, which is why the ink traveled so far up the paper.

(Journal Entries)


Based on the evidence, we accept our hypothesis that H2O is the most polar.

When we used water with the chromatography paper, the ink was drawn the farthest up the strip in relation to the other solvents we used. We also figured that black ink "broke down" the best, because black is the presence of all colors and they all separated out the fastest compared to the other colors such as red, blue, green, and orange. When we used water to compare the second time, this time using all the colors which water, we found out that the colors separated and moved up the paper faster. In conclusion, water was the best polar molecule between methane, isopropyal, and hexane.